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Are There Any Health Advantages to Using Green Powder?

Image Source: freepik

Green granules are no longer an option. Every Instagram or TikTok scroll will display a video of a wonderful person putting a very disgusting substance into a freshly poured glass of water. The products are powdered dried fruits and vegetables for use as a supplement.

Greens powders have been on the market for a while, but they've lately witnessed a boom in popularity as a consequence of collaborations with wellness bloggers, massive amounts of venture capital funding, and the increased attractiveness of doing things that seem healthy. Many products on the market claim to boost energy, endurance, immunity, and circulation, as well as reduce bloating and regulate hormones – all of which are enticing to anybody wanting to enhance their health.

But do they really function, or is this just another health marketing ploy? Here's all you need to know about greens powders and their alleged benefits.

It is tough to demonstrate that they function.

"It's a challenge. That's according to Evan Reister, a PhD candidate in nutrition science at American University.According to Reister, most trials examining the efficacy of green-powder supplements lasted a few months and included fewer than 100 people. Greens powders have been shown in studies to help manage high blood pressure. Greens powders may increase blood levels of vitamins C and E, as well as folate and certain antioxidants like as beta keratine.Greens powders are a concentrated form of vegetables, so it's natural to identify them with the benefits of a healthy whole-food diet, such as a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes. However, the results on actual food should not be applied to powders.

"Larger and longer studies are needed to establish the genuine effectiveness of the greens powders, especially for diseases like heart disease and cancer - ailments that take decades to judge efficacy," Reister noted.

Their growing popularity is most likely due to effective marketing.

Greens powders often have aesthetic marketing campaigns that associate their products with being healthy, as well as a rise in the number of influencers keen to endorse the products. Many fans of the powders believe that they make their skin glow, keep their tummies flat, and are a less time-consuming addition to their morning routine than cutting up some kale. Customer demand for simple healthy solutions opens the door for businesses to enter the industry.

According to Camila Martin, a registered dietitian nutritionist for UW Health Kids, when something works well, is supported by research, and provides health benefits, firms often step in to replicate it for profit."Some of it may be done with really good intentions, such as making the benefits of fruits and vegetables that we know are there more accessible," she added.

Whole foods high in nutrients will be the best option.

The ideal diet, according to research, consists of complete, nutritious foods high in fiber and naturally occurring vitamins and minerals. Some of the more popular greens powders, such as Bloom and Athletic Greens, contain less than three grams of fiber per serving. As a result, relying solely on them will not meet the daily requirements of 25 to 30 grams."We want to use these supplements to supplement the diet rather than replace it," Reister explained.

Consuming anything in concentrated form, such as a greens powder, may increase the risk of consuming too many nutrients. Certain powders on the market even contain ingredients that, when consumed in large quantities, have been linked to bloating and gas in some people, such as broccoli, mushrooms, garlic extracts, and chicory root."I always advise my patients to consult with their doctor before starting anything to ensure that it won't interact with any other medications they're taking," Martin said. "However, if someone was using a powder to supplement their diet rather than replace it, there could still be some healthy stuff in there."

Greens powders may be the best and only option in some cases, such as military personnel who are deployed for extended periods of time or people who, for whatever reason, do not consume a lot of fruits and vegetables. Probiotics, enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals are all included in some products.

If, like me, you still want to try a greens powder, choose a respected brand over a visually appealing one.

Because the Food and Drug Administration considers supplements to be food rather than medicines or biologics (such as immunizations), the regulation method is far less severe and unstandardized, which means the FDA is not required to check what's in the supplements. So firms may say anything they want as long as the claims on the label aren't ridiculous. There is no requirement for study or science, enabling the buyer to conduct some research before purchasing a product.

When choosing a brand, seek for ones with well-researched components and that you feel comfortable taking, which may imply purchasing a more expensive product. (Remember that fresh, frozen, or canned vegetables are substantially cheaper.)

Reister recommended looking for a greens powder brand that has been third-party tested, a service provided by NSF International and the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). "When a supplement is NSF or USP approved, it means that it has the chemicals listed on the label in the correct amounts and does not contain harmful levels of certain contaminants," he said. "This labeling says nothing regarding the efficacy of the product. However, I would feel more at comfortable purchasing a supplement with one of these labels."If a brand does not have one of these credentials, you should think twice before buying it.

"If I'm working with patients and recommending a certain vitamin or mineral, I'll go with bigger brands simply because they have more eyes on them," Martin said. "If there were an unfavorable effect, it would be recognized quite immediately. If a name has been around for a long enough period, it is probable that it has been used by numerous individuals."

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